IT Industry Gender Gaps, Banter, Memes and Office Culture Research from Jessica Drackett

IT Industry Gender Gaps, Banter, Memes and Office Culture Research from Jessica Drackett

Royd Brayshay
27th October 2015

Home Insights IT Industry Gender Gaps, Banter, Memes and Office Culture Research from Jessica Drackett

Creating great software is a design process from start to finish. It involves an endless stream decisions about everything, from constructing individual lines of code to the radius of rounded corners on buttons. If the people making those design decisions are more like the people using the software  a better outcome is likely and a roughly equal split of males and females working on product development is a good target to aim for.

The IT industry has a diversity problem and fixing it will be a long road that starts with a better understanding of the problem. Psychology postgraduate Jessica Drackett approached us for help finding cohorts from the Agile Yorkshire community for her PhD research. It was a pleasure to help with this and an education to listen to some of her findings when she came to present as part of the Agile Yorkshire Ada Day event.

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