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Words From Our Team.

Software development experts icon

Growing up in Wiltshire, I always liked building things, and this is still the case. I love what we do and I’m proud of our ability to help grow our clients’ businesses.

When I’m not working, reading ThoughtWorks TechRadar or with my family, you’ll find me rock climbing or sailing.

Royd Brayshay - Founder
Software development experts icon

I was brought up in Guildford, but moved to Yorkshire for University and stayed for the tech community. I love my role and enjoy the opportunity to create a variety of things.

Outside of work, I sing in a choir and enjoy watching football, and American football.

Alan Raison - Principal Engineer
Software development experts icon

Though I was born in York, I live in Normandy in France and love to work from my home office here with my own equipment and my family close by.

Outside of work, I enjoy coding small projects and applications for public use and YouTube content creation.

James Osguthorpe - Senior Front-End Developer


Politics and AI: two comfortable bedfellows
Politics and AI: two comfortable bedfellows

“We are thrilled to welcome Andrew to our team. Having collaborated closely with Andrew for several years, we are excited to formalise this partnership. Our clients and partners will greatly benefit from Andrew's extensive expertise and experience”. Jonathan Trepczyk – Head of Business Development

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Happy 10th Birthday, Kubernetes!
Happy 10th Birthday, Kubernetes!

Today, June 6th 2024, is being marked as the 10th birthday of the Kubernetes project, with “Kuber-10-es” parties across the world, the primary of which will be at the Google headquarters in California.

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Voices from the Table: Women in Tech Share Their Unique Journey
Voices from the Table: Women in Tech Share Their Unique Journey

One of the recurring themes from the roundtable was the glaring gender disparity in tech compared to other industries.

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